Package textbender.g.xml.sax

SAX related code


Interface Summary
ContentHandlerL A content and lexical handler, combined.
SAXEvent Persistent capture of a SAX event.
XMLFilterCH A SAX filter that is also a content handler.

Class Summary
CharactersEvent Persistent capture of a SAX characters() event.
EndElementEvent Persistent capture of a SAX endElement() event.
ErrorHandlerPW A SAX error handler that outputs messages to a print writer.
FilterChainer Links together a chain of SAX filters.
FilterChainerL Links together a chain of SAX filters of extended, LexicalHandler type.
IgnorableWhitespaceEvent Persistent capture of a SAX ignorableWhitespace() event.
SAX Grab-bag of utilities for SAX.
StartElementEvent Persistent capture of a SAX startElement() event.

Package textbender.g.xml.sax Description

SAX related code.

See Also: