Uses of Class

Packages that use ThreadSafe
textbender.g.beans Beans related code 
textbender.g.hold Facilities to manage holding and releasing of programmatic resources IO related code 
textbender.g.lang Java core related code 
textbender.g.util Java utility related code 

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender._

Classes in textbender._ with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Textbender
          Definitions for project textbender.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._

Methods in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._ with annotations of type ThreadSafe
(package private) static void Events_2_Demo.addHighlight(Element element)
 void Core_1_Test.destroy()
 void Range_2_Demo.destroy()
 void Traversal_2_Demo.destroy()
 void Events_2_Demo.destroy()
 void Core_2_Demo.destroy()
 void Core_1i_Test.destroy()
 void Core_1_Demo.destroy()
(package private) static void Events_2_Demo.removeHighlight(Element element)
 void Core_1_Test.start()
 void Range_2_Demo.start()
 void Traversal_2_Demo.start()
 void Events_2_Demo.start()
 void Core_2_Demo.start()
 void Core_1i_Test.start()
 void Core_1_Demo.start()

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.r.desk

Classes in textbender.a.r.desk with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class DeskDaemon
          The desk daemon as a whole.
static class HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID
          An identifier, each instance of which is guaranteed to be unique within a single run of the desk daemon.
static class HostServiceRegistry.X
          Service registry utilities.
 class HostServiceRegistry1
          Service registry implementation.
 class Run
          A run of the desk daemon.

Methods in textbender.a.r.desk with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 File HostServiceRegistry.allInOneJar()
          Returns the file path of an all-in-one textbender JAR, suitable as a codebase for applets and applications.
<S extends Remote>
HostServiceRegistry.getService(Class<S> serviceInterface)
          Returns an instance of the specified service.
 HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID HostServiceRegistry.nextUniqueID()
          Returns the next unique identifier.
 URL HostServiceRegistry.resolveJarURL()

Uses of ThreadSafe in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Connections
          Collected communication links.
 class PageDaemons
          Common to page daemons.
 class PageDaemonsEDT
          Common to page daemons, on the AWT event dispatch thread.
 class PageVisit
          A single page visit (or refresh) in a browser.
 class PageVisitEDT
          Facilities of the page visit, restricted to the AWT event dispatch thread.
 class Run
          A run of the page daemon code.

Methods in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void ToolbarApplet.destroy()
 Throwable User.getThrowable()
          Returns the last throwable shown to the user.
 void User.logAndShow(Throwable newThrowable)
          Logs a throwable and shows it to the user in a non-modal dialog, per getThrowable().
 void ToolbarApplet.start()
 void BootApplet.start()

Constructors in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
User(Component windowParent)

Uses of ThreadSafe in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
(package private)  class NewSv1File
          A transient 'new-Sv1' versioned file.
 class VersionedFile
          A modified version of an original working file.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.branch

Classes in textbender.a.u.branch with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Run
          A run of the revision brancher.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.chromography

Classes in textbender.a.u.chromography with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class InPageFactory
          Reference series loader that responds to transfers loaded in a Web page, as detected via a user-applet.
 class ReferenceSeries
          A chromographic reference series.

Methods in textbender.a.u.chromography with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void Chromography1.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 void Chromography1.disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 ReferenceSeries Chromography1.getReferenceSeries()
 ReferenceSeries Chromography.getReferenceSeries()
          Returns the loaded reference series.
 void InPageStainer.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
 void InPageFactory.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
 void Chromography1.setReferenceSeries(ReferenceSeries newReferenceSeries)
 void Chromography.setReferenceSeries(ReferenceSeries newReferenceSeries)
          Loads a new reference series.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.encoding

Classes in textbender.a.u.encoding with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Run
          A run of the genetic encoder.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.locusPoint

Methods in textbender.a.u.locusPoint with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void LocusPoint1.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 void LocusPoint1.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 void LocusPoint1.disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 void LocusPoint1.disabledPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 String LocusPoint.getLocus()
          Returns the locus currently pointed to, on the desktop.
 String LocusPoint1.getLocus()
 boolean LocusPoint1.isEnabled()
 void InPagePointer.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
 void InPageHighlighter.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
 void EnableButton.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
 void LocusPoint1.setEnabled(boolean newEnabled)
 void LocusPoint.setLocus(String newLocus)
          Sets the locus currently pointed to.
 void LocusPoint1.setLocus(String newLocus)

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.transfer

Classes in textbender.a.u.transfer with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class InPageFactory
          Transferand-loader that responds to text selections in a Web page, detected via a user-applet.
 class PRTransferCHub
          Client-side paired-regions transfer hub.
 class Transferand
          An object of a paired-region transfer.

Methods in textbender.a.u.transfer with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void PRTransferS.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 void PRTransferS.disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
 Transferand PRTransferS.getTransferand()
 Transferand PRTransfer.getTransferand()
          Returns the loaded transferand.
 void PRTransferS.setTransferand(Transferand newTransferand)
 void PRTransfer.setTransferand(Transferand newTransferand)
          Loads a transferand.
 void PRTransferCHub.setTransferand(Transferand newTransferand)
          Calls server.setTransferand(newTransferand).

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard

Classes in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Copier
          Copies transferands to the clipboard.
(package private)  class IndexBlockMap
          Map of index blocks.
(package private)  class SourceDocumentFile
          Modelling the...

Methods in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void Copier.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.d.gene

Classes in textbender.d.gene with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class DocumentRT
          Recombinant texts as XML documents.
 class Gene
          Utilities for working with genes.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.d.gene.xhtml

Methods in textbender.d.gene.xhtml with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 Object RecombinantXHTML.abstract_transferMutant(Element embeddableAbstractSequence, StringBuilder b)
          Returns an abstract form of a gene's sequence, suitable for detecting mutations to record in ancestry.
static void RecombinantXHTML.write(Document document, TransformerFactory transformerFactory, Result result)
          Writes a Recombinant XHTML document.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.d.revision

Classes in textbender.d.revision with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Revision
          Utilities for revision lines and working documents.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.d.transfer

Classes in textbender.d.transfer with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Transfer
          Utilities for conducting recombinant transfers.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.g.beans

Classes in textbender.g.beans with annotations of type ThreadSafe
static class PropertyChangeListenerR.WrapperL
          A wrapper of PropertyChangeListenerR that conforms it to PropertyChangeListener.

Methods in textbender.g.beans with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
          Registers a listener to receive property change events.
 void PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
          Registers a listener to receive property change events, by property name.
 void PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry.disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
          Signals that a previously registered listener is no longer needed.
 void PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN.disabledPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListenerR listener)
          Signals that a previously registered listener is no longer needed.
 void PropertyChangeListenerR.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Called when a bound property value is changed, per PropertyChangeListener.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.g.hold

Classes in textbender.g.hold with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Spool0
          Null implementation of a spool; it is always empty and never unwinds.
 class SpoolT
          A thread-safe implementation of a spool, based on a Vector.

Uses of ThreadSafe in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class FileX
          File utilities.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.g.lang

Classes in textbender.g.lang with annotations of type ThreadSafe
static class Catcher.X
          Catcher utilities.
 class Runnable0
          Null implementation of a runnable.
static class ThreadSafe.U
          Thread-safety utilities.

Methods in textbender.g.lang with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 void CatcherL.catchError(S source, Error r)
          Immediately re-throws the error.
 void CatcherP.catchError(S source, Error r)
          Immediately re-throws the error.
 void Catcher0.catchError(S source, Error r)
          Immediately re-throws the error.
 void CatcherL.catchException(S source, Exception x)
          Logs a full stack trace of the exception.
 void CatcherP.catchException(S source, Exception x)
          Calls Catcher.X.printStackTrace( source, x, System.err ).
 void Catcher0.catchException(S source, Exception x)
          Immediately re-throws the exception.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.g.util

Classes in textbender.g.util with annotations of type ThreadSafe
static class CollectionEvent.ElementAdded<E>
          An event generated by addition to a collection.
static class CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved<E>
          An event generated by removal from a collection.
 class CollectionRelayer<E>
          Relayer of collection events to listeners.
 class CollectionRelayerLL<E>
          Relayer of collection events, with a collection of listeners that is guarded by a lock.
 interface EventListenerR
          A remote event listener.
static class EventListenerR.WrapperL<R extends EventListenerR>
          A wrapper of a remote event listener that conforms it to an equivalent local type, by handling any remote exceptions.
static class MultiMap.U
          Multi-map utilities.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.g.xml.dom.bootstrap

Classes in textbender.g.xml.dom.bootstrap with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class DOMImplementationRegistryX
          Utilities for the DOM implementation registry.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o

Classes in textbender.o with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class CommonDOM

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o.rhinohide

Classes in textbender.o.rhinohide with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class Rhinohide
          An overlay/wrapper of a JavaScript object, based on an intermediate JSObject bridge.
 class RhiWindow
          A global 'window' implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript global 'window'.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o.rhinohide.core

Classes in textbender.o.rhinohide.core with annotations of type ThreadSafe
(package private)  class RhiAttr
          An attribute node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript attribute node.
(package private)  class RhiCDATASection
          A CDATA section implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript CDATA section.
(package private)  class RhiCharacterData
          A character node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript character node.
(package private)  class RhiComment
          A comment node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript comment node.
 class RhiDocument
          A document implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document.
(package private)  class RhiDocumentFragment
          A document fragment implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document fragment.
 class RhiDocumentType
          A document type node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document type node.
(package private)  class RhiDOMImplementation
          A DOM implementation as an overlay of a JavaScript DOM implementation.
 class RhiElement
          An element implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript element.
(package private)  class RhiEntity
          An entity node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript entity node.
(package private)  class RhiEntityReference
          An entity reference implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript entity reference.
(package private)  class RhiNamedNodeMap
          A named node map implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node map.
 class RhiNode
          A node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node.
(package private)  class RhiNodeList
          A node list implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node list.
(package private)  class RhiNotation
          A notation node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript notation node.
(package private)  class RhiProcessingInstruction
          A processing instruction implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript processing instruction.
(package private)  class RhiText
          A text node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript text node.

Uses of ThreadSafe in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
(package private)  class RhiEvent
          An event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript event.
 class RhiEventTarget
          An event target implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript event target.
(package private)  class RhiKeyEvent
          A key event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript key event.
(package private)  class RhiMouseEvent
          A mouse event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript mouse event.
(package private)  class RhiUIEvent
          A UI event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript UI event.

Methods in with annotations of type ThreadSafe
(package private)  void RelaySI.addTo(RhiEventTarget target, String type, boolean useCapture)
          Adds a JavaScript relay to the specified target, as a listener.
(package private)  void RelayS.addTo(RhiEventTarget target, String type, boolean useCapture)
          Adds this relay directly to the specified target, as a listener.
(package private)  netscape.javascript.JSObject RelaySI.createJSORelay_orNull(RhiWindow window)
(package private)  netscape.javascript.JSObject RelaySIP.createJSORelay_orNull(RhiWindow window)
 void RelaySIP.DispatchPuller.handleEvent()
 void RelaySI.DispatchAdaptor.handleEvent(netscape.javascript.JSObject eventJS)
 void RelayS.DispatchAdaptor.handleEvent(netscape.javascript.JSObject eventJS)
(package private)  void RelaySI.removeFrom(RhiEventTarget target, String type, boolean useCapture)
(package private)  void RelayS.removeFrom(RhiEventTarget target, String type, boolean useCapture)

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o.rhinohide.html

Classes in textbender.o.rhinohide.html with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class RhiHTMLDocument
          An HTML document implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript HTML document.
 class RhiHTMLElement
          An HTML element implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript HTML element.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges

Classes in textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class RhiRange
          A range implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript range.
 class RhiSelection
          A text selection implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript text selection.

Uses of ThreadSafe in textbender.o.rhinohide.traversal

Classes in textbender.o.rhinohide.traversal with annotations of type ThreadSafe
 class RhiTreeWalker
          A tree walker implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript tree walker.