#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; =pod =head1 NAME vox-rename-poll - reassign votes in the input store =head1 SYNOPSIS vox-rename-poll OLD-NAME NEW-NAME =head1 CAVEATS Not intended for an online vote-server. Polls are not ordinarily renamed after going online. Only reassigns votes in the input store. Configuration, output store (counts), and wiki are unaffected. =cut { use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage ); my $oldName = shift; my $newName = shift; scalar @ARGV == 0 && defined $oldName && defined $newName or pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ); # and exits my $command = qq!psql --command!; $command .= qq! "UPDATE in_vote SET servicename = '$newName' WHERE servicename = '$oldName'"!; exec( $command ); }