001package votorola.s.gwt.stage.vote; // Copyright 2012-2013, Michael Allan.  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Votorola Software"), to deal in the Votorola Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell copies of the Votorola Software, and to permit persons to whom the Votorola Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The preceding copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Votorola Software. THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE.
003import com.google.gwt.dom.client.*;
004import votorola.a.count.*;
005import votorola.a.web.gwt.*;
006import votorola.g.hold.*;
007import votorola.s.gwt.stage.*;
009//import static votorola.a.count.CountNode.DART_SECTOR_MAX;
012/** A view of a peer board rendered as an HTML table cell containing an SVG drawing.  It
013  * differs from an ordinary board view in having a pin indicator.  The {@linkplain
014  * #pinImg() pin indicator} decorates the node view of the anchor whenever the anchor is
015  * contained within the board and is {@linkplain VoteTrack#toPin(Stage) pinned}.  The
016  * bottom of the indicator extends below the boundary of the track, overlapping whatever
017  * is beneath.  Its pointer events are therefore disabled.<pre>
018  *
019  *   +---+---+--------+---+- -    -+---+----------------+---+---+---+
020  *    \   \   \        \   \        \   \                \   \   \   \
021  *     +   +   +        +   +        +   +       +        +   +   +   +
022  *    /   /   /        /   /        /   /       / \      /   /   /   /
023  *   +---+---+--------+---+- -    -+---+-------/   \----+---+---+---+
024  *     0   1     2      3  . . .     16       / pin \     18  19  20
025  *                                           +-------+</pre>
026  *
027  * <p>Acknowledgement: Thomas von der Elbe assisted in troubleshooting the visualization
028  * problems that led to the design of the pin indicator.  See the thread <a
029  * href='http://mail.zelea.com/list/votorola/2012-August/thread.html'
030  * target='_top'>Difference lighting and cross-linking on the bridge</a>.</p>
031  */
032public final class PeerBoardV extends BoardV
036    /** Partially constructs a PeerBoardV for {@linkplain #init() init} to finish.
037      *
038      *     @param _board the board on which the view is modelled.
039      *     @param element the outermost HTML element of which the view is composed.
040      */
041    PeerBoardV( PeerBoard _board, final VoteTrackV trackV, final TableCellElement element )
042    {
043        super( _board, trackV, element, XCastRelation.CO_VOTER );
044        trackV.track().initWaitSpool().add( new Hold()
045        {
046            public void release()
047            {
048                if( !VoteTrack.toPin( Stage.i() )) return;
050                pinImgOrNull = Document.get().createImageElement();
051                pinImgOrNull.setSrc( App.i().staticContextLocation() + "/stage/vote/pin.png" );
052                pinImgOrNull.setClassName( "pin" );
053                pinImgOrNull.getStyle().setDisplay( Style.Display.NONE ); // till repaint
054             // element.getFirstChildElement().appendChild( pinImgOrNull ); // to div
055                element.appendChild( pinImgOrNull );
056            }
057        });
058    }
062    /** Completes the construction of this BoardV.  Call once only.
063      */
064    @Override void init()
065    {
066        init( new Painter()
067        {
068            private final boolean isBottomFixed = trackV() == VoteTrackV.iBottomFixed();
070            @Override void repaint2( final float protrusion, int y, final float halfThickness,
071              final float xAnchor, final float lengthAnchor )
072            {
073                if( pinImgOrNull != null )
074                {
075                    final Style pinStyle = pinImgOrNull.getStyle();
076                    if( xAnchor == -1 ) pinStyle.setDisplay( Style.Display.NONE );
077                    else
078                    {
079                        pinStyle.clearDisplay();
080                        float xPin = xAnchor - PIN_IMG_WIDTH/2f + protrusion + lengthAnchor/2 -
081                          /*correction for perfect centering*/1;
082                        xPin += getAbsoluteLeft(); // from left of table cell (or row?)
083                        float yPin = isBottomFixed? y - halfThickness: y + halfThickness;
084                        pinStyle.setLeft( xPin, Style.Unit.PX );
085                        pinStyle.setTop( yPin, Style.Unit.PX );
086                    }
087                }
088            }
089        });
090    }
094   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
097    /** The width of the pin indicator image.
098      */
099    public static final int PIN_IMG_WIDTH = 16;
103    /** The image element that indicates the {@linkplain VoteTrack#toPin(Stage) pinned}
104      * anchor, or null if this board has no pinned anchor.
105      */
106    public ImageElement pinImg() { return pinImgOrNull; }
109        private ImageElement pinImgOrNull;
110          // rendered as HTML image instead of SVG graphic because SVG cannot be drawn
111          // outside of container.  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=378923